08/04/2022 / Health and Fitness

Indian Vegetarian Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Obesity has become a pandemic due to the modern sedentary lifestyle. Read on this blog to know the Indian vegetarian diet plan for 7 days for weight loss.

Indian Vegetarian Diet Plan for Weight Loss
Keerthana A PKeerthana A P

Keerthana A P

Food Technologist, Engineer & Research Associate

Table of Content


Everyone who plans to start with a weight loss journey by following the vegetarian diet has this one question, “Considering how proteins are important in weight loss, can we get enough protein by just following the vegetarian diet” and we’re sure that you have the same question. Being a vegetarian, if you are looking for a perfect weight loss diet plan, then you’re in the right place. This article would have the 7 days effective vegetarian diet plan for weight loss without compromising your taste buds and appetite.

Types of Vegetarian Diet

Types of Vegetarian Diet

Before diving into the Indian vegetarian diet plan for weight loss, let us look at the types of vegetarian diets,

  • Lacto-Vegetarian diet: These diets include dairy products like milk, cheese, yoghurt, butter but exclude eggs, poultry, meat, fish, and eggs.

  • Ovo-Vegetarian diet: These diets exclude meat, poultry, and dairy products but include eggs.

  • Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian diet: These have both dairy products and eggs but include meat, fish, and poultry.

  • Pescatariandiet: These allow fish but exclude dairy products, eggs, poultry, and meat.

  • Vegan diet: This diet excludes everything like eggs, fish, poultry, and dairy products.

Here we are going to see an Indian vegetarian diet plan for weight loss based on the Lacto-Vegetarian diet type. We have designed this type of diet as most vegetarians don’t like their diet without dairy products. We believe that the best Indian diet would be not only the one that helps in attaining the weight loss goals but also rejuvenates your soul.

Balanced Vegetarian Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Balanced Vegetarian Diet Plan for Weight Loss

1.   Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates should be present in your weight loss vegetarian diet plan as they are the primary suppliers of energy to your body. But when choosing a diet plan for weight loss, you should ignore high glycemic foods like bread, pizzas, and sugars as they can make you gain weight. So, if you are looking to reduce your belly fat or slim down your waist, the type of carbohydrates you are adding to your diet matters a lot.

Go for the nutrient-dense complex carbohydrates that can make you feel full for a longer time. Some of the complex carbs which help in weight loss are,

  • ragi

  • bajra

  • oats

  • brown rice

  • sweet potatoes

  • barley

 2.   Proteins

For anyone who is trying to lose weight, proteins are the most important nutrients in vegetarian diet plans of weight loss as they help in building and repairing muscles. Building muscles is very necessary for weight loss as they help in burning more calories. Many have this misconception that a vegetarian diet doesn’t give enough protein but many are wonderful sources of proteins. Some of the high protein foods that helps in weight loss include,

  • whole dals

  • paneer

  • chana

  • milk

  • green leafy vegetables

  • sprouts

3. Fats

Again, people assume that fats are always bad to be on a vegetarian weight loss diet chart but that is very wrong. There are usually three types of fats – saturated, trans, and unsaturated. Saturated and trans fats usually contribute to weight gain but unsaturated fats help in reducing your weight. Among all other fats, omega 3 fatty acids are known to aid in weight loss by increasing metabolism.

Some of the omega 3 fatty acid-rich foods you can add in vegetarian diet for weight loss include,

  • Walnuts

  • Chia seeds

  • Flax seeds

  • Plant oils like canola and soybean oils

4. Vitamins and Minerals

Vegetarian Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Vitamins like A, E, B12, and D are a very crucial part of every vegetarian diet plan for weight loss. And minerals like calcium, zinc, phosphorus, iron also can do the same. The micronutrients like vitamins and minerals reduce weight by boosting your overall metabolism. Some of the effective foods for weight loss include,

  • vitamin B 12 rich foods like mushrooms, beetroots, and spinach.

  • vitamin E-rich foods like peanuts, almonds, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds.

  • iron-rich foods like green leafy vegetables, lentils, and mushrooms.

  • zinc-rich foods like tofu, nuts, and seeds

5. Fibres

Fibres should be present compulsorily in your vegetarian diet plan for weight loss as they can help in reducing cravings and help with reaching satiety faster. A daily fibre of 15 g can do wonders for your fitness goals.

Foods rich in fibres for weight loss include,

  • oats

  • lentils

  • flax seeds

  • apples

  • broccoli

Indian Diet Chart for Weight Loss in 7 Days

Find the perfect and effective 7 day Indian vegetarian diet plan for weight loss that can suit both sedentary and moderately active lifestyles.

Make tabular columns in colour for each day

Day 1 Veg Diet Plan

Indian Diet Chart for Weight Loss - Day 1
  • Early Morning: 1 glass cucumber detox water

  • Breakfast: One bowl of oats porridge with skimmed milk and 25 g mixed nuts

  • Lunch: 2 roti with gajar matar sabzi

  • Snacks: 1 apple with 1 glass of buttermilk

  • Dinner: 2 roti with a bowl of dal

Day 2 Veg Diet Plan

  • Early Morning: 1 glass cucumber detox water

  • Breakfast: 2 roti with mixed vegetables with 1 glass of curd

  • Lunch: 1 bowl of sauteed vegetables with paneer kebab and green chutney

  • Snacks: 1 teacup coffee with less sugar and milk

  • Dinner: 1 bowl of methi rice with 1 cup of lentil curry

Day 3 Veg Diet Plan

Indian Diet Chart for Weight Loss - Day 3
  • Early Morning: 1 glass cucumber detox water

  • Breakfast: 2 multigrain toast with 1 cup of skimmed milk

  • Lunch: 1 bowl of methi with 1 cup of vegetable curry

  • Snacks: 1 orange fruit with 1 glass of buttermilk

  • Dinner: 1 bowl of sauteed vegetables with green chutney

Day 4 Veg Diet Plan

Indian Diet Chart for Weight Loss-Day 4
  • Early Morning: 1 glass cucumber detox water

  • Breakfast: 1 bowl of smoothie with fruits and nuts

  • Lunch: 2 roti with bhindi sabzi and moong dal

  • Snacks: 6˝ long Banana with 1 glass of buttermilk

  • Dinner: A half bowl of steamed rice with 1 cup with Palak Chloe

Day 5 Veg Diet Plan

Indian Diet Chart for Weight Loss - Day 5
  • Early Morning: 1 glass cucumber detox water

  • Breakfast: A bowl of beans and carrot Poha with a glass of skimmed milk

  • Lunch: Half bowl of methi rice with 1 cup of lentil curry

  • Snacks: 100 g Skimmed Milk Paneer

  • Dinner: 1 roti with any sabzi and 1 glass of curd

Day 6 Veg Diet Plan

Indian Diet Chart for Weight Loss- Day 6
  • Early Morning: 1 glass cucumber detox water

  • Breakfast: 2 Idlis with a bowl of sambar

  • Lunch: 2 roti with bhindi sabzi

  • Snacks: 1 cup cut fruits with 1 glass of buttermilk

  • Dinner: 1 roti with any sabzi and moong dal

Day 7 Veg Diet Plan

Indian Diet Chart for Weight Loss - Day 7
  • Early Morning: 1 glass cucumber detox water

  • Breakfast: 2 basic chillas with green chutney

  • Lunch: Half a bowl of steamed rice with Palak Chloe

  • Snacks: 1 Katori Mixed Vegetable Salad

  • Dinner: 1 missi roti with low-fat paneer curry

Tips for Weight Loss

Though the prescribed vegetarian diet plan helps you in reducing your weight, you need to make some lifestyle changes for attaining your weight loss goals faster. Some of them are,

  • Practice mindful eating even if you are stressed. This is the thumb rule of controlling your portion intake. Overindulgence occurs when you don’t pay attention to your food.

  • Have a good 8 hours of sleep. Being up late at night means opening the refrigerator doors for food! Sleeping at the right time helps you to control your cravings.

  • Always be hydrated while adding at least 7-8 glasses of water per day.

  • Even if you are having a busy schedule, have regular exercise schedules for at least 20 minutes per day.

  • Making all these changes along with your diet can help you reach your weight loss goals faster!

Take-Home Points

  • Based on the foods consumed there are different types of the vegetarian diet – Lacto vegetarian, Ovo-Lacto vegetarian, Ovo vegetarian, Pescatarian, and Vegan.

  • A balanced healthy vegetarian diet should be an integral part of every weight loss journey. Your food should be enriched with nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fibres, vitamins, and minerals.

  • The best diet plan would be something that provides nutrients along with giving you satiety.


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