08-04-2021 / Heart & Vascular

12 Best Foods For Healthy Heart You Should Eat

Heart diseases are one of the most common disorders worldwide, with a high mortality rate. We need to follow particular lifestyle practices and healthy food choices to improve heart health. Here are few tips to keep your heart healthy

12 Best Foods For Healthy Heart You Should Eat
Mazia AhmedMazia Ahmed

Mazia Ahmed

MSc Nutrition Science, Ph.D. Scholar

Table of Content


Heart diseases are one of the most common disorders worldwide, with a high mortality rate. In India, factors like increased smoking, poverty, a lack of access to proper healthcare, and ignorance increase the death rate via heart diseases. In the past few years, the prevalence of coronary heart disease has increased from 1% to 13.2% among urban citizens and 1.6% to 7.4% among rural citizens. In the latter case, a survey on the period of 2000-2015 shows that 40% of rural men and 56% of rural women died due to CVD.

Infographic Heart Diseases

The heart is an integral part of the body and regulates blood circulation. Any defect in the heart condition can further hinder the healthy flow of blood to the major organs. This can result in organ failure, which has mildly serious to life-threatening ramifications. Thus, individuals need to follow particular lifestyle practices and healthy food choices to improve heart health.

Overall, making good choices in food intake would improve your heart health to a high degree.

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12 Best Foods For Healthy Heart You Should Include in Your Diet

1. Berries

Different types of berries like blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries include multiple nutrients that are good for heart health. Berries contain a high percentage of antioxidants. One is anthocyanins, which safeguards against inflammation and oxidative stress. These are mainly responsible for curing heart diseases.

Also, metabolic syndrome is a risk factor for heart diseases; it essentially includes multiple conditions that increase the risk of heart ailments.

Blueberries can increase the functionality of particular cells that protect the blood vessel lining. This helps monitor blood clotting and blood pressure. Some studies suggest that consuming berries can reduce systolic blood pressure,  LDL cholesterol level, inflammation, and BMI in patients.

2. Avocados

Avocados contain monounsaturated fatty acids that are good for heart health. It is effective for lowering heart disease risks and cholesterol levels. There is high potassium content in this food product which improves heart well-being. Statistically, consumers would get 28% of the total potassium content they need for a day with one avocado consumption. A hundred grams of avocado contains about 485 mg of potassium.

Eating around 4.7 grams of potassium each day would lower the blood pressure to a healthy amount, as per experts. An average quantity of 8.0/4.1 mmHg can potentially reduce the stroke risk in people by 15%.

Heart Healthy foods: Avocado, Whole Grains, Seeds and Berries

3. Whole grains

There are three parts of grains with a high nutrient content that make up whole grains. These include the germ, endosperm, and bran portions. Popular types of whole grains include brown rice, whole wheat, barley, buckwheat, rye, oats, and quinoa. Indians in many regions consume whole wheat frequently.

Overall, whole grains have better fiber content. This is useful for reducing the absorption of unhealthy LDL cholesterol. In turn, it would reduce the risk of getting heart diseases for the consumers. Many types of research have shown better heart health after eating whole grains. Reports show that consumers who eat three extra servings of these items every day would have a 22% less risk of getting heart disease.

It is important to check the label of the products to see if the word 'whole' is mentioned. Regular grain or multigrain would not improve your heart health as adequately as whole grains. Therefore, consumers need to purchase accurately.

4. Seeds

There are multiple types of seeds that can improve the health of the heart in patients. Flaxseed, in particular, includes a high quantity of phytoestrogens, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. Consumers who eat them in the milled or ground form notice its best effects on their health. Similarly, chia seeds also contain high amounts of protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. Also, they are safe to consume in the whole form.

5. Oats

This is a healthy food that contains a wide range of nutrients. For additional taste, you can toast the oats and then add them to salads or yogurt. Also, keep in mind that these are healthier to consume if a person eats the original grain version instead of processed options. Many individuals cook it for additional taste and season it with healthy natural herbs.

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6. Legumes

Legumes are very healthy to consume for heart patients. The common types of legumes include lentils and dried beans. A lot of the Indian population, both in rural and urban areas, regularly consumes different types of lentils. Some examples include black beans, kidney beans, and pinto.

These particular items contain a high amount of healthy nutrients like minerals, fiber, and vitamin B. Such nutrients are good for decreasing the risk of heart diseases and controlling blood pressure. In India, many legume types are inexpensive and readily available in different regions.

7. Fish

Particular fish types are suitable for improving heart health. Some examples include sardines, salmon, tuna, trout, herring, and mackerel. Overall, they contain high omega-3 fatty acids, which help control cholesterol levels, triglycerides, and blood pressure. Besides the fish types mentioned, patients can opt for fish oil varieties for accurate omega-3 fatty acid consumption. These can reduce blood pressure, triglyceride levels in the blood and strengthen arterial functions.

8. Tomatoes

Indians in multiple regions include tomatoes in their diet, which helps improve heart health. It contains high amounts of lycopene, which is a natural plant pigment full of antioxidants. These are responsible for neutralizing dangerous free radicals and safeguards against inflammation and oxidative damage.

Having low levels of lycopene in the blood can increase the risk factors for stroke and heart attack. Raw tomatoes are more beneficial; eating two tomatoes at least four times a week can increase good HDL cholesterol levels. This component can remove the extra cholesterol in the body and plaques present inside arteries.

9. Green Leafy Vegetables

These ingredients include different healthy varieties like collard greens, kale, and spinach. They hold a high quantity of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that are good for heart health. Specifically, these vegetables have high vitamin K content. This vitamin type is suitable for improving blood clotting conditions and keeps the arteries safe.

Moreover, green leafy vegetables have high dietary nitrate content. This helps decrease stiffness in arteries, lowers blood pressure, and enhances the cells that line the blood vessels to function accurately. Increasing the consumption of these vegetables can decrease the possibility of heart disease risk in Indians. One detailed analysis showed a 16% decrease in heart disease risk after the participants increased their consumption of leafy green vegetables.

Heart Healthy foods: Green leafy vegetables

10. Walnuts

Walnuts include a lot of heart-healthy micronutrients like manganese, copper, and magnesium, and even fiber. Therefore, it helps strengthen the condition of the heart in patients and prevents heart diseases.

Approximately, the level of bad LDL cholesterol can decrease by 16% for Indians who eat walnuts daily. Also, it can cause a 2-3 mmHg decrease in diastolic blood pressure, inflammation, and oxidative stress.

11. Fresh Herbs

Particular fresh herbs are naturally helpful for keeping the heart strong. Consumers can utilize them as condiments instead of adding high amounts of fatty oils or salt. They induce flavor into the food items, as well.

In India, spices are commonly used in different food types; some of the best heart-healthy herbs include rosemary, thyme, oregano, and sage.

12. Garlic

This is another staple ingredient in the Indian diet and has multiple health-improvement qualities, including the heart. It contains a compound known as allicin that has multiple healing components.

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For lowering blood pressure, taking a dose of 600-1,500 mg of garlic extract over a 24-week-span is reportedly effective. Plus, it can decrease 9 mg/dL bad LDL cholesterol and 17 mg/dL cholesterol on average. It can subdue the buildup of platelet level, reducing the potential of a stroke or blood clots.

Word of Wisdom

Overall, monitoring the patient's diet would have a positive effect on the improvement of heart conditions. One needs to follow a healthy diet instead of relying on unhealthy or processed food. The many natural ingredients mentioned in this article have multiple nutrients and components that safeguard against cardiovascular diseases.

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