07/05/2023 / Health and Fitness

Effect of Stress and Caffeine on Male Infertility

Caffeine, a natural stimulant, can affect your fertility. So, is drinking coffee safe anymore?

Effect of Stress and Caffeine on Male Infertility
Keerthana A PKeerthana A P

Keerthana A P

Food Technologist, Engineer & Research Associate

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We all have been there - debating over whether coffee is good for health or tea is good for health. Other than that, you would have often heard that coffee can cause male infertility and lower sperm production. Well, we assure you that you will find all your answers here. 

What is Caffeine in Coffee?

Caffeine is a neuro stimulant and also the most commonly consumed drug in the world. Though coffee is the major source of caffeine, cocoa and tea plants also have them in significant quantities. Since it stimulates your nervous system, it directly works on your brain to keep you awake and mindful. This work is done by caffeine by blocking neurotransmitters like adenosine. Many people consume coffee as their favorite drink as it helps them to focus on their work without feeling drowsy. So, is caffeine really good for your health? 

Positive Side of Caffeine

Before going into the negative effects of caffeine, let us look at its positive side. Some of the benefits of caffeine include, 

  • Decreased fatigue 

  • Increased alertness 

  • Lower risk of heart diseases

  • Increased metabolic rate 

  • Helps weight loss

  • Fights cancer 

  • Slows the onset of Alzheimer's

  • Natural Pre Workout

  • Cleanses the digestive system

Side Effects of Caffeine

Though caffeine is loaded with several health benefits, they have certain side effects too. 

  • Increased anxiety 

  • Causes addiction 

  • Elevates blood pressure 

  • Reduced control of fine motor movements 

  • Insomnia or sleep deprivation 

  • Reduced fertility 

  • Heartburn 

What Causes Infertility in Men?

Having decreased sperm motility, reduced sperm count, low testosterone levels, little semen volume, low or no sex drive (libido) and erectile dysfunction are all various facets of male infertility. There are many causes of male infertility and some of them are given below,

What Causes Infertility in Men
  • Diabetes 

  • Genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis (abnormally high mucus that blocks endocrine glands) 

  • Ejaculation issues

  • Chemotherapy or exposure to toxins or drugs (like caffeine) 

  • Damaged sperm DNA

  • Chronic stress 

  • Hypogonadism 

  • Overheating of testicles

  • Bacterial or viral infections 

  • High use of steroids

  • Trauma or prior testicular surgeries

  • Undescended testicles 

Side Effects of Coffee on Males

As we discussed above, male infertility is also caused due to high caffeine intake. Apart from this, coffee can cause various other serious effects on males. Some of them are, 

  • Headaches 

  • Anxiety 

  • Heart palpitations 

  • Jittery feelings 

  • Racing heartbeat 

  • Sleep disruptions 

  • Raising blood pressure 

Relation Between Caffeine and Sperm Count

This study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology concluded that low (101-200 mg) to moderate (201-800 mg) consumption of caffeine can't cause a reduction in sperm production or sperm motility. 

The same study showed that excessive caffeine (above 800 mg) can cause a decrease in sperm concentration, semen volume and total sperm count. 

From this, we can conclude that excessive consumption of caffeine is the one which affects your health. So, try to keep your caffeine intake at a minimum. 

An average cup of coffee contains around 96 mg of caffeine so one or two cups of caffeine per day wouldn't have much effect on fertility. 

What Kills Your Sperm Count?

Other than caffeine, these are some of the other causes that can decrease your sperm count, 

  • Stress

  • Alcohol

  • Tobacco

  • Drugs

  • Obesity

  • Depression 

How does Stress Affect Male Fertility?

The study published in the journal of fertility and sterility found that men who had stressful lives have a lower percentage of sperm motility and distorted sperm morphology.

Although the researchers weren't able to pinpoint the exact reason how stress affects semen quality, it is suspected that the stress steroids affect the metabolism of carbohydrates, protein and fats, thereby causing the low production of testosterone and sperm.

Other than this, stress hormones also cause oxidative stress, which in turn affects semen quality and sperm production. 

The Ultimate Dilemma-Tea or Coffee? 

We all have been there - arguing over tea or coffee being good for health and fertility. Well! We have some insights to share. 

A recent study discovered that tea consumers had better sperm production and semen volume than non-tea consumers. This may be due to the lower concentration of caffeine in tea compared to coffee. 

To put an end to the debate - tea or coffee - we would suggest having everything in moderate quantities. Having at a minimum level will do no harm to your health and well-being. 

Tips to Manage Your Stress 

Managing your stress would not only improve your fertility but also help you in developing positive mental health. Here are some tips to help you in better stress management,  

Tips to Manage Your Stress
  • Exercise regularly for improving your body and mind

  • Try deep breathing techniques that help you in relaxing during stressful hours 

  • Eat a clean diet with fewer processed foods

  • Add a list of healthy foods to your diet

  • Slow down, declutter and relax from time to time

  • Avoid being too critical of yourself 

  • Take breaks and do the tasks you enjoy

  • Build a community that has common goals and aspirations 

  • Be open about your mental health and don't shy away from approaching therapists

Foods to Boost Male Fertility 

Here are some of the foods that can help in better sperm production and can increase semen volume, 

  • Vitamin C-rich foods: Oranges, strawberries, blueberries, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower. 

  • Vitamin D-rich foods: Egg yolks, cod liver oil, yoghurt, cheese, tuna, herring, salmon, oysters and shrimp.

  • Zinc-rich foods: Oysters, cashews, legumes, chickpeas, lentils and shellfish. 

  • Herbs: Ashwagandha and maca root 

Take Home Points

  • Caffeine is a neuro-stimulant which is found most commonly in coffee and in fewer quantities in tea. 

  • Though caffeine has many positive effects, it equally has negative consequences as it can cause insomnia, infertility and anxiety. 

  • Consuming a limited amount of tea or coffee hasn't been proven to affect fertility.


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