25/06/2022 / Gynecology and Motherhood

Ovulation Symptoms: 15 Signs of Ovulation Days

Track your ovulation symptoms and learn Signs of Ovulation, how long ovulation lasts to determine your most fertile days and get pregnant.

Ovulation Symptoms: 15 Signs of Ovulation Days
Keerthana A PKeerthana A P

Keerthana A P

Food Technologist, Engineer & Research

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Before diving into the different symptoms and signs of ovulation, did you know there are certain ways by which you can predict your ovulation, helping you to plan your pregnancy? A basic understanding of what ovulation is and what happens around the time of ovulation will help us understand ovulation signs and ovulation day’s symptoms better.

On another note, if you are not into reading, and probably looking for a faster and most effective way to determine your most fertile days then you might fancy using Sprint Medical’s 

Free Ovulation Calculator - Know Your Most Fertile Day

What is ovulation?

In ovulation, the mature egg is released from the ovary and plays an important role in the menstrual cycle. Ovulation generally occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle (almost 14 days before the next period). The ovulation period is marked by a ‘fertile window’ where almost seven days are most fertile (six days before the ovulation and the day of ovulation).

Why should you know about the symptoms of ovulation?

  • A large percentage of the female section of Indian society is still deprived of medical access and support. The Internet has played an extremely vital role for them as they can seek relevant information 24x7 without any hindrance. Women of all ages and social strata must be educated about sexual topics, processes of reproduction, cleanliness & hygiene, etc.

  • In a country where contraceptive coverage is not very extensive, Planned Parenthood can help to avoid unwanted conceptions. This is where the knowledge of ovulation signs and symptoms comes into play. Planning a person's sexual life and parenthood based on signs and symptoms of ovulation is a simple and cheap process. However, we have to bear in mind that every female is unique and these methods have a higher failure rate.

When do you ovulate?

On average, in a 28-day cycle, ovulation usually occurs on Day 14. If you have a longer cycle, say 35 days, then your ovulation occurs 14 days before the next period which is on day 21. Tracking the signs and symptoms of ovulation is a natural fertility awareness method for planned pregnancy. Some patients are quite anxious about using different pills, drugs, and devices (like Copper T) for birth control and about their side effects. That's when the natural alternatives come into play.

But remember! Not everyone is a suitable candidate for following the signs and symptoms of ovulation for calculating fertile days. Having regular cycles is a very important prerequisite to be suitable for these methods.

Now, the next question arises in your mind:

1. How to find out if I have regular cycles?

You can find this by simply tracking your monthly cycles. How to do this?

  • Every month, when you get your periods, note down the first day of bleeding on a calendar. This tracking of the starting date for several months can help you to identify whether your cycles are regular.

  • Note down the ending date to assess the length of your periods every month

  • Note down other relevant information regarding the nature of the flow and associated complaints.

  • Closely observe for any complaints or symptoms during mid-cycle. You could be ovulating!

  • You can also make use of several digital tracking applications to ease the process.

2. What are the fertile period ranges?

As we already saw, in a 28- day cycle, ovulation usually occurs on the 14th day of the cycle. But again, this can occur between days 12 & 16. The egg itself has a lifetime of 12-24 hours after release and the sperms deposited in the vaginal tract of the female during intercourse can survive for 24 hours. So, basically, any unprotected intercourse between days 11& 17 of the cycle can end up in pregnancy.

15 signs and symptoms of Ovulation

15 signs and symptoms of Ovulation

1. Basal body temperature rise

Basal body temperature is the temperature of your body when at rest. The normal temperature of the body is indeed 98.6 F but it keeps changing throughout the month based on foods, hormones, and sleep habits. The rise in body temperature during ovulation is due to the release of hormones called progesterone. So, if you are trying to get pregnant, track the temperature of the body well.

2. Ovulation pain (Mittelschmerz) 

Have you ever got that sharp pain in the lower abdomen during certain days of the menstrual cycle? These sudden pains are called mid-cycle pain or ovulation pain which is usually temporary. If you have permanent ovulation pain that interrupts your intercourse itself, then it is wise to consult with a doctor regarding your condition.

3. Breast tenderness

This is another commonly noted sign of ovulation. This mainly happens due to the surge of hormones during Ovulation and the breasts being glandular organs, responding to these hormonal changes, causing heaviness of breasts and tenderness.

4. Slight spotting

Slight spotting is the slight vaginal bleeding that occurs in the mid of the cycle during ovulation. These symptoms are slightly rare as it occurs in around 5 percent of women. If you notice such bleeding during mid-month, you are certainly undergoing ovulation.

5. Changes in cervical mucus

Cervical mucus is an important part of ovulation. Only a wet and watery cervical mucus can allow the easy passage of the sperm cells. So, during ovulation, you can witness the change in the cervical mucus. Usually, during the fertile window of your ovulation, you would see a consistency of egg white in the cervical mucus.

6. Changes in libido

Nature always has its own ways. When you are fit to be fertile, the body responds by increasing your libido. So, always listen to your body.Get intimate with your partner when you feel so. This increases your chance of getting pregnant.

7. Ovulation prediction kits

There are many ovulation prediction kits available in the market which tells about your ovulation based on the surge of the hormone, progesterone. You can track your other symptoms and use these kits accordingly.

8. Change in Cervical Position

During ovulation, your cervix (external vagina ends with cervix) moves up slightly higher and also becomes softer to touch. Your position of the cervix changes throughout the menstrual cycle. When you are not at the fertile stage, your cervix is lower, closed, and harder.

9. Saliva Ferning Pattern Low

Though this is a very uncommon way to detect ovulation, you can still do it. A ferning saliva pattern looks like a frost in the wind pane. But you would have difficulties in detecting these things as people usually don’t use this.

10. Ovulation and Glowing skin  

In the days before ovulation, some women may experience increased glow in their skin due to the increase in oestrogen. But if the progesterone increases alongside the oestrogen, you may have breakouts too.

11. Random Stomach Bloating

It is very normal to experience bloating during ovulation due to the increase of a hormone named oestrogen. This causes mild discomfort for you, usually from day 11 to day 14 of your menstrual cycle.

12. Cramps around the Stomach region

Just like the ovulation pain, some people may experience cramps during ovulation. This is mild pain which is usually felt at one side of the abdomen.

13. Low back pain

Due to the surge of a hormone called progesterone during the ovulation, many people experience back pain as a result. This symptom is nothing to worry about unless it affects your day to day activities.

14. Tiredness and energy degradation

The decrease in the oestrogen hormones due to ageing can have effects like fatigue and energy degradation. This can often at times be combined along with anaemia and thyroid dysfunction. But, in the early years of fertility, this symptom would usually be less if the proper diet and regular exercise are carried out.

15. Your vulva or vagina may appear swollen

  • Along with the changes in your cervix, you would also notice the differences in your vagina or vulva. Just two or three days before the ovulation, you would note that your vulva or vagina appears swollen.

  • Even though these symptoms and signs that you are ovulating can be noted in many patients and even if most of them become experienced enough to pick these pointers up, these signs are highly variable, hence unreliable to be used as a sole source based on which pregnancy is planned. Hence, it's important to consult an OB-GYN before resorting to these natural methods of fertility awareness.

  • If you're eligible for such methods with a high failure rate, you can gladly track these symptoms to detect your ovulation time frame and plan your sexual life and parenthood around this. If not, it's better to use other safer methods of contraception if you wish to avoid getting pregnant.

How to Track Ovulation Symptoms

If you can track your ovulation symptoms effectively, you can easily manage to get pregnant. Here are some of the ways,

How to Track Ovulation Symptoms

1. Mark your calendar

Tracking your calendar is one of the best ways to track ovulation. Following your menstrual cycle and identifying your fertile days will give you an idea about the ‘fertile window’. If you get intimate during these times, you can successfully get pregnant as you wished.

2. Listen to your body

Most importantly, you must listen to your body! Look for the symptoms in your body and then prepare for your pregnancy. If you are facing any difficulties regarding the symptoms, consult a gynaecologist.

3. Ovulation predictor kits

Ovulation kits give you the results based on the surge of the luteinizing hormone (LH) which allows you to have fruitful intercourse.

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How Long Does Ovulation Last?

Usual ovulation lasts only for about 24 hours. If the egg is unfertilized in those hours, it would disintegrate and perish, therefore ending the chances of pregnancy. After about two weeks of termination of ovulation, you would have periods where the uterine walls would shed.

Disadvantages of using ovulation signs for planning pregnancy 

  • These methods help avoid or plan pregnancy only in those women with regular cycles

  • Tracking multiple signs and symptoms needs a lot of practice, patience, and motivation.

  • That is why Sprint Medical has made an effective ovulation calculator for determining the most fertile period that you can use instead.

  • These signs of ovulation days are highly variable among different females, hence having a high failure rate.

Take-Home Points

  • Ovulation is the release of the egg from the ovary which usually occurs during the mid of the menstrual cycle.

  • Ovulation is very necessary for the successful fertilisation and the failure of it can lead to infertility.

  • Fertile window refers to the days between the beginning of ovulation and the final stage, which usually takes about one week.

  • If you want to have a fruitful intercourse, mark your calendar for the fertile window and follow the symptoms of ovulation. 


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