24/01/2023 / Health and Fitness
Juveriya Anwar Momin
Norovirus is an RNA virus causing severe gastrointestinal infection. In India, a report indicates students caught the infection in Kerala through food and contaminated water.
An estimated 685 million cases are seen every year globally, with 200 million only in children under 5 years. Primarily low-income countries are affected by norovirus.
As per the CDC, norovirus is responsible for 60% of acute gastroenteritis cases.
Norovirus is a single-stranded RNA virus. It is a common cause of gastrointestinal diseases globally as per the WHO.
It was previously known as the Norwalk virus as the 1st case reported in Norwalk. Commonly known as “winter bug disease”. It is incorrectly known as “stomach flu”, where it is not at all related to the flu.
Human noroviruses are the leading cause of epidemic gastroenteritis in all age groups.
Patients with norovirus have consistent symptoms which could appear as early as 12 hours after exposure:
1. Vomiting
2. Abdominal cramps and pain
3. Loose diarrhea
4. Nausea
5. Headache
6. Chills
7. Signs of dehydration-feeling dizzy, decrease in urination.
8. Low-grade fever
9. Muscle pain
These symptoms lasts up to 2 days.
Norovirus is caused by the RNA family virus whose risk factors are-
1. Food contamination
2. Unhygienic surfaces as-toilet, tables, chairs, beds.
3. Direct contact with household gastroenteritis patient
4. Fecal contamination
5. Touching the contaminated surface.
Norovirus commonly causes outbreaks in the military, hospitals, and other healthcare facilities. Outbreaks may occur in schools, cruise ships, resorts and etc.
Norovirus has the capability to infect all age groups but those at extreme ages, old age, and children under 5 years of age are at higher risk including immunocompromised patients.
Norovirus prevalence is more in developing countries because of poor hygiene and maintenance.
People infected with norovirus are contagious from the moment they feel sick to at least 3 days after the recovery. Few people can be contagious for a straight 2 weeks because of unhygienic conditions and poor diet.
To avoid the infection progression, good hand washing is a must.
As a general consideration if your symptoms last for more than 3 days, call your doctor if you are experiencing the following symptoms-
1. Consistent vomiting
2. Diarrhea or blood in your bowel movements
3. Fever
4. Severe abdominal cramps
5. Dehydration
6. Loss of consciousness
7. Body ache
8. Headache
The management of infection involves the treatment of symptoms that include-
1. Oral rehydration solutions
2. Intravenous hydration if necessary
3. Antibiotics- when concerned with bacterial infection only
4. Anti-motility agents for adults
5. Anti-emetics are given for symptomatic relief
6. Ondansetron can be given to children
Infection control is the utmost priority in the norovirus infection outbreak.
The norovirus vaccine is under development, because of its complex nature, human immune response, and difficulty to grow the virus in the laboratory.
The prevention of norovirus includes-
1. Maintaining hygiene
2. Wash your hand thoroughly- after using the toilet, Before eating, handling food, Before taking medicines, and Before giving medicine to others.
3. Avoid contaminated food
4. Eat healthy food
5. When you are sick do not cook or care for others, you can make them sick.
6. Clean and disinfect the surfaces.
7. Wash your laundry thoroughly-
Handle soiled / dirty items carefully.
Wear gloves while handling dirty clothes.
Wash the clothes with detergent and warm water.
Norovirus is one of the RNA family viruses causing gastrointestinal infection,
Children in the age group of 5 are at a higher risk of norovirus infection.
If you feel any symptoms for more than 3 days consult a doctor.
Always wash your hands and maintain hygiene.
Eat healthily, and avoid contaminated and fast food to stay fit and healthy.
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