16/01/2023 / Health and Fitness

All You Need To Know About Negative Calorie Foods

Would you believe that there are 'negative' calories that burn more calories and aid weight loss?

All You Need To Know About Negative Calorie Foods
Keerthana A PKeerthana A P

Keerthana A P

Food Technologist, Engineer & Research

Table of Content


With the rise in global health consciousness, there is always a greater noise in terms of the positive effects of weight loss. These strings of discussions gave birth to the recent popular food fat - that is negative calories. Negative calories are said to be the foods that can reduce weight by burning more calories (during digestion) than they provide to the body. But do they exist in reality? Or are they just 'negative' calories theoretically? Read on further to know more about negative calories foods. 

What are Negative Calorie Foods

Calories have become a buzzword among trainers and medical professionals. But what are calories? Calories are the energy stored in the foods that translate to tissues or fats in your body. The more calories the food has, the more energy you get and the more fats are stored in your tissues. Based on these calories, there are zero calories and negative calories. Zero calories are foods that contain very few calories relative to their nutritional value. These foods aid you in weight loss and reduce cholesterol levels. But what are negative calories? 

When it comes to negative calorie foods, many people have this misunderstanding that they don't have any calories. But it's not true! They do have calories like any other foods but they just burn more calories during the process of digestion. Negative calorie foods, in general, have more fibre and a low glycemic index, thereby aiding weight loss.

Negative Calories Food List

Before shedding more light on negative calories, let us introduce you to some common negative calorie foods. 

Negative Calories Food List

Here is the list of the negative calorie foods which can positively affect your weight loss journey. 

1. Celery 

Celery has the lowest amount of calories on the list of negative calories. Celery contains barely 16 calories per 100 grams. They are also high in fibre, vitamin A, vitamin C and folate. 

2. Berries 

Berries like strawberries, blueberries and raspberries contain very less calories but are high in anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants, thereby protecting your vital organs. 

3. Grapefruit 

Grapefruit is the storehouse of vitamin C, Folic acid, potassium and fibres. Being highly nutritious, they are also famous for being a negative calorie food. 

4. Carrots 

Carrots contain around 41 calories per 100 grams. Being a negative calorie food, they are also highly rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese and potassium. 

5. Tomatoes 

Having 19 calories per 100 grams, they are rich in potassium, vitamin C and dietary fibre. Being a negative calorie food, they are highly regarded for helping in the reduction of cholesterol levels. 

6. Cucumbers 

Cucumber, as you all know, is a classic food in hot weather. Being a negative calorie food, they are also rich in minerals, vitamins and electrolytes. 

7. Watermelon 

Another classic food of hot weather! Having around 30 calories per 100 grams, they are rich in lycopene (which protects the heart) and citrulline (which increases immunity). 

8. Zucchini 

Zucchini is one of the most popular negative calorie foods which is often recommended by many nutritionists. The phytonutrients in zucchini also aid bowel movements and water balance in the body. 

9. Broccoli 

Broccoli, one of the most popular superfoods, is also a negative calorie food. It barely contains 34 calories per 100 grams. It is packed with fibres and antioxidants that help in the metabolism and vital functioning of organs. 

10. Lettuce 

Containing around 6 calories per 100 grams, they are rich in fibre, vitamin C, folic acid and manganese. Lettuce is also a great food for reducing calories and inducing weight loss. 

Negative Calorie Foods - A Myth?

Though the notion of negative calories has become highly popular in recent years, many researchers have denied their existence. Their point is that the calories used up for digestion are relatively insignificant compared to the energy stored in the food. The results and conclusions about the negative calorie foods are not yet reached. 

Keeping aside the arguments about the existence of negative calorie foods, we would like to advise you to follow a balanced diet plan. Include high amounts of fibres, proteins, antioxidants and micronutrients in your foods. Coupling a good diet plan with regular exercises can help you reach your weight loss goals. 

Take-Home Points

  • Negative-calorie foods are foods that burn more calories than the calories they possess, thereby helping in weight loss. 

  • Negative calorie foods usually have high fibre and low glycemic index. 

  • Cucumbers, lettuce, celery and carrots are some of the negative calorie foods. 

  • The existence of negative-calorie foods is still under debate.


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